Purple Power!
Hi sorry it's been a few days (or more) since my last post the Summer/School holidays are coming to an end I don't know what day/week/month we are in I have 6 week muzzle brain going on...
Not long now until we are back into routine then I will be moaning about getting up earlier and running around like a headless chicken doing the school run, can't win!!
Anyhoo onto makeup - today 25th August 2016 I got my course results back from an Makeup Artistry course I undertook and pat me on the back and kiss me on the cheek I PASSED!
So I now officially am a qualified Makeup Artist gaining my 3rd Diploma in less than 2 years!!
So if there are any 16 year olds reading this and you have had your GCSE results today and they are not what you were expecting or you just simply struggled (like I did many moons ago) my message to you is 'IT'S NEVER TOO LATE' you may think that's it it's over I can't do anything, change anything but YOU CAN!
It took me til I was 30 after having my family, working numerous mind numbing jobs, coming out with not many GCSE's to realise what I wanted to do with my career life.
Your never too old to stop learning, if you want change make it happen, you have only one life, make the most of it!
Some are lucky and know what they want to do at 15/16 and achieve it at 20/21 others like myself are not that lucky but we get their in the end!
Onto makeup now and I have a new found love for the colour PURPLE obviously since becoming a younique presenter so it's all about purple lips today and they are bang on trend for autumn 2016!
The picture above for Suicide Squad unfortunately I haven't had the pleasure of watching it yet but I will get round to it!!
Margot Robbie aka Harley Quinn sports amazing purple lips at a premiere of the film.
Very natural/neutral eyes and amazing plum/purple lips.
I went for the look myself today!
Obviously not as glamorous as the lovely Margot me sporting my cute makeup headband and 'Run Like Zombies Are Chasing You And Daryl Is Waiting For You On His Motorbike' t-shirt!
But my lips are purple!
I achieved these lips using our Stiff Upper Lip Lip Stain in Savvy!
It's smudge proof - kiss proof & worry free!
I have also added a coat of our Moodstruck Minerals Lucrative Lip Gloss in Livid to give a shimmer/glossy finish!
But if you are patient (not like me) COMING SOON... are amazing matte finish lipsticks, they are liquid form like a gloss but dry to a matte finish and are going to be available in the most amazing - bold colours!
So there you have it PURPLE LIPS are in and here to stay thanks to younique!
My link is at the top of the page to visit my website and place any orders!
Get your makeup delivered straight to your door within 3-5 working days!! (usually 3)
If you are interested in joining younique and would like to be a team member of mine The Sparkle Queens then find out all the information on my website under JOIN and find me on Facebook The Sparkle Queen for all help and guidance you may need.
Have a nice day folks.
Emma Quinn aka The Sparkle Queen
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