It's a New Week!

It's Monday and another start to a new week!
Do you start getting them nervous anxious feelings on a Sunday night knowing you have got to go back to work the next morning?
We all don't like getting up for work no matter what we do BUT we can help improve our lives and one day CHANGE your life forever!

I became a part of the Younique family as I already work for myself as a Nail Technician and wanted to open other avenues around that business.
I am still very new in my Nail business so everything is a learning curve but when I saw the Younique opportunity and I already have a natural passion for makeup I thought 'you know what for £69 (+ shipping) I might as well have a go and at the end of the day I get an amazing starter kit FULL of amazing products and a GORGEOUS makeup box if I don't go on to sell/recruit.

Well I am selling not yet recruited but I am keen to get other like minded people on board and help them change their lives..

This is NO get rich quick scheme it requires HARD WORK ~ COMMITMENT ~ MOTIVATION ~ PASSION & DRIVE

If you want to better or change your life completely then don't fear change embrace it, take the risk, after all you are not investing hundreds or thousands of pounds in it just £69!!

Being a Presenter of Younique can be worked in multiple ways please see below.

Many of our Presenters start out as KITNAPPERS then think you know what these products are amazing I can do this then you can become the HOBBYIST then you get the bug for selling and see how much your friends and family love the products word gets around so you do it PART-TIME working alongside your day job (evenings/weekends) then if you can financially afford too or other circumstances arise you decide to say 'you know what I CAN DO THIS I am doing it as my CAREER!

Their isn't many business opportunities who can offer a business for such a small amount of money and also offer the great benefits that go with it too!

I am so glad I took the plunge and after only a few short weeks I qualified White and I am now 61% on my way to Yellow which makes my commission go from 20% to 25% 

It's not rocket science to work this business BUT it does require WORK you can't just sit back and expect the orders come rolling in, Social Media Marketing is KEY and it all comes with practice and time!

So it's a NEW week I am out there making it happen and I've got this DO YOU?

Email: for more information.

You can also find me on Instagram and Twitter!

Ta ta for now

Emma aka The Sparkle Queen



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