*Sponsoring*Why You Should Join Younique*Is It For You?

Hello my lovelies boy it's cold as I am sat here typing this post, I have just put the heating on as my nose feels like it is going to fall off my face....

Brace yourselves for this one - it's a long one but worth the read.

So first up..


OK so you have more than likely seen my posts via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and my Blog Posts about Sponsoring.

When you read the word 'SPONSOR' what do you think?

Usually it is a word associated with charities, money, animals etc...

Are you confused by this term we use in business?

Well if you are let me explain, if you know all about it feel free to scroll down :)

Right here we go Younique's use of the word SPONSORING is if you are interested in joining Younique as a business. You can find your 'Sponsor' which is a Younique Presenter from Entry Presenter WHITE/YELLOW to Exemplary Presenter PINK/BLUE, Elite Presenter GREEN/ORANGE and Exclusive Presenter PURPLE/BLACK

If you have been watching a Presenter and want to join there team, then visit their website and Register/Join and then that Presenter becomes your Sponsor.

So when you join you pay £69 (+ Shipping) for your Kit which currently is the BEST one to date. Jam packed with full size makeup and skincare products, tools, samples, catalogue, charm + a 1GB training tablet (whilst stock lasts limited time only) all in a stunning purple bag for you to use when showing off your kit or just for your pleasure only.
The kit is worth £219!!!

OK the kit AMAZING your sponsor upon you joining does NOT earn any money/commission from you signing up.

The way your Sponsor and when the time comes yourself if/when you become a Sponsor makes his/her money is by simply selling the products (PRS) and building their own team where each person in that team sells/sponsors (we don't like to use the word recruit, we are not employers we are simply sharing this wonderful opportunity).

The bigger your team grows and sells this is how you get promoted and climb that rainbow ladder.

To begin you start off with NO colour (even though you receive your white charm in your kit) this is because qualifying white can happen so quickly usually within days/weeks, but there is no time limit for promotion you do it in your time scale.
Once you have sold 125 PRS (which by the way is in dollars NOT UK pounds) you then qualify WHITE and your starting commission from day 1 (even before you qualify) is 20%.

So the next colourful rung of the ladder is YELLOW.
In order to get promoted to Yellow Status you have to sell 1000 PRS - yes that is a big jump from white BUT it includes your current PRS whatever you have sold so once again this can be achieved within weeks/months and then once qualified Yellow your commission goes upto 25%

When you are WHITE/YELLOW you keep these statuses you do NOT need to requalify each month!

I am currently a Yellow Status Presenter and very happy being Yellow but I am now after feeling more comfortable and knowledgeable looking to qualify PINK.
Which means the only way I can get promoted to pink is to start building my own team!

Now if you don't like the idea of having your own team then fear not you don't have to have your own team.
If you would feel more comfortable just staying at Yellow Status level and earning your money purely from sales (PRS) then guess what just do that, that's not a problem.

Please note however to remain an 'active presenter' you have to be selling 125 PRS every 3 months rolling, sooooo easily done even on your own orders being placed (trust me you will get addicted to our makeup/skincare products and want to build your kit up) so that works out at approx 42 PRS per month!

However if you want to climb that colour ladder you HAVE to build your own team and this means making more money too.
It's simple logic at the end of the day the more people on your team you earn more money, your own commission on your own sales and a small percent on your teams sales.
The higher you get promoted the more you earn just like a 'proper' job!

The highest you can get promoted is BLACK if you haven't done so already then check out some of our Black Status Leaders for example Ria Rose, Amber Voight, Katie Louise Hamer.
Don't friend request via Facebook simply hit the follow button and watch these ladies do business!

Now lots of presenters don't solely rely on Younique as an only income, most are network marketers who have invested in other online companies which works alongside Younique for example weight loss/hair/nails/fashion/homeware you can NOT work with another makeup/skincare company as this is conflict of interest.

If you are currently working in the beauty industry as a Nail Technician, Hair Stylist, Makeup Artist, Beauty Therapist then incorporating Younique into your current business works very well too!

So I hope I haven't bamboozled you too much but I want to try and FULLY explain everything as much as I can to quash them fears/doubts you may have.

So first up make your mind up if you want to work in the beauty industry (if you don't do so already).

Go to my website www.thesparklequeen.co.uk or your preffered sponsor's website to read all about Younique's mission and their ethos.
Read the comp plan FULLY and get an understanding of it.
Look, watch your prefered Sponsor/Presenter and see how we work this business.


Find your Sponsor which you think will suit you best and that she/he will give you 100% support, training and guidance all along the way. 

Visit their website - register - join - you instantly receive your FREE for life website, you choose your name (so choose wisely) and you can start work straight away no need to wait for your kit (usually delivered within 3-5 working days).

Everything else your Sponsor will guide you, inform you and help you.

You will be added to what will seem a lot of groups on Facebook but please don't feel overwhelmed you won't no who these people are or fully understand what these groups are all about but they will be your Sponsor's Group, Upline's Group places to learn, watch, help each other out, share birthday's, product information/queries etc etc...

You don't need to delve straight in, take your time, learn your website, your back office, products, yourself and everything slots into place in time, but we are always learning a long the way.

If you have any questions always ask your Sponsor first, if she/he is not available that's what them Groups are for ask away in their don't be shy, their is ALWAYS a fellow y- sister who will help you out you should never feel alone!

So still feeling unsure but LOVE the look of the kit...
Then just BUY the kit!
Yes you can just do this we don't mind enjoy the discount!!

So just a few pointers on joining >>>

~ Start off small aim BIG!

~ You don't get rich overnight!

~ You don't learn everything overnight!

~ You don't build a team overnight!

Things take time and patience but if you have the right mindset, motivation and patience you can make your little makeup business HUGE!!


~ You wear makeup and look after your skin then why not receive 20% cashback every time you purchase an item!

~ It's ideal for working in the Beauty Industry already incorporate this business to make more money for very little investment!

~ Stay at home parent/carer, wanting to do something 'adult' (not like that) which doesn't involve nappies, Peppa Pig or X Boxes, you maybe want to meet new people whether that be in person or online, have some adult conversations, have a laugh and earn some money at the same time!

~ Want to earn some extra cash alongside your day job for savings!

~ Looking at becoming Self Employed running your own business from anywhere for such a tiny investment and lots of benefits and incentives to win!

So much choice, so many options, which one is you?


~ If you like wearing makeup and like discount too = YES!

~ If you look after your skin and like discount too = YES!

~ If you socialise daily on social media sites = YES!

If you are worried thinking I can't do that as I am not confident enough to make videos, take pictures, go Live etc then listen to me you DON'T HAVE TO DO THAT IF YOU DON'T WANT TOO!

It is a Presenters choice to choose how they want to promote/advertise their business/products if you are not comfortable doing them things then their is other options >>

~ Write a Blog Post

~ Monthly Emails to Customers

~ Print Flyers

~ Print Business Cards

~ Simply talking to people

If making videos etc is simply what's putting you off then STOP! Look above again at that list of other options their is ALWAYS options look for them, find them and DO them!

But I almost guarantee once you start that first time of making a video, having a laugh, taking selfies, going Live and fluffing your words (we all do it all the time it's no biggy) you will become addicted! Like with everything the more you do it the more used to it it becomes...

Please feel free to contact me if you want to talk about any of these concerns if you would like myself to become your Sponsor, because every problem can be overcome and resolved no problem.

So their you have it I did warn you it's a longggg one, just think how my arms feel from typing LOL

I am looking to sponsoring people this year don't worry I won't be offended if you choose younique but not me as your sponsor I will just be very happy for you that you have said YES and you are giving it ago.
Or if you simply choose to be a Kit Napper go for it why shouldn't you we offer it why not take it right!

If you wish to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter to watch me and how I work please do.

If you join my team please friend request me or wait for my request for you.

Feel free to message me for a virtual chat, get to know each other or even better if you are local to me let's meet for a coffee and start building a great friendship and business together.

After all that reading go grab your chosen choice of beverage maybe a biccy or two if you have them and let it all sink in, then make your move!

I shall see you soon with some very exciting and MASSIVE news from younique but that's enough typing/reading for one day.


The Sparkle Queen


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